The Brew Therapy

Peaceful brewing for coffee connoisseurs.


Find your flow with a calming daily ritual 

In today’s fast-paced world, The Brew Therapy advocates for the peace, mindfulness and ritualistic routine of brewing up a good cup of coffee. The ecommerce business distributes home brewing equipment, helping coffee lovers find a calming flow state from the comfort of their own home.

The business aims to appeal to young professionals who take intentional breathing space out each day to brew quality coffee. We came on board to design beautiful branding that exudes those qualities – calming and grounded, expressive yet simple. 

Creating an elevated yet grounded brand

Refined but instantly recognisable, we constructed a simple logo consisting of three geometric shapes: a bean, filter and coffee cup. 

To complement the minimalist style, we opted for a geometric typeface in all lowercase. The combination is clean and cohesive, reflecting the quality of The Brew Therapy’s product offering. 

A calming coffee brand wouldn’t be complete without a beautiful colour palette– we opted for therapeutic, grounded, earthy colours to balance out the boldness of the geometric shapes. 


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